Hello, my friends! How are you healing, feeling, being this month?

There is a lot happening in this month of May, and I break it all down below so you have a little guidebook to support your ever-evolving soul's expansive and transformative experience on this earth. But for now, to me, May feels a lot like both a stop sign AND a race track. Like we're all supposed to feel ready to know our path and launch, go, create, do, and run on it BUT we aren't sure when or where to start the path. I feel like I hear the director of my life yelling "ACTION!" but I don't quite know where to stand on stage...or what my lines are just yet. If you're feeling this energy of both inertia and standing still (albeit with momentum), I FEEL YOU! You're not alone. And, we've got this :) Even if it doesn't feel like it, time keeps moving and so do we.
Here's the vibe I'm tuning into for May:
We're seeing all the options available to us and deciding what comes with us on our unique and beautifully aligned path. This includes our desires, wants, needs, relationships and hopes. You might not know your exact path yet because you're still choosing what gets to come with and what doesn't. There is no right or wrong timing for you - let it all be just as it is. You're likely learning some big boundary lessons right now too. That's all part of the preparation because there won't be much extra time when you're on the path to keep looking back so...do the work now to manifest your magik!
Reflect on what you really want to give and create and who you want to be. Our evolution is not linear. Nor is our path. But they both bring choice, change and incredible growth.
Decide how you want to grow.
What do you want to grow more of?
What really gets you excited?
In your relationships, what do you want more of?
How can you start creating and manifesting that now?
What other magik do you have hiding that you want to share on your path?
In this week's episode of the Magik Vibes podcast, I made it a solo one because I felt like we all needed to receive some permission to just not know. To be ok with the ups and downs and the sometimes feeling insanely aware and grateful and other times feeling like a gratitude list is the furthest thing from joy. The truth is we're all going to keep resetting our reality throughout our lives and that's a beautiful gift. If you haven't listened to it yet, there's lots of messages that may support any lessons you are receiving right now on boundaries, as well as prompts to shift your energy and a deep connection to presence so you can avoid unnecessary regret and anxiety.
As we go into this new month, which offers us a lot of change, remember how truly supported you always are. Call on your guides and your spirit team. Ask your friends, family and even co-workers to collaborate so you can support one another as we ALL change and shift and grow this month.
Energetic Guidebook:
May 11 - New Moon in Taurus
May 23 - Saturn Retrograde begins thru Oct 11
May 26 - Lunar Eclipse + Full Moon in Sagittarius
(our first eclipse of the year!)
May 29 - Mercury Retrograde begins thru June 22
And, of course, we honor the mothers this month. As a step-mom, an auntie and a daughter, I am so amazed by the woman in our world who take on the role of mother. My very own mama will be joining the podcast for her very first debut this Monday, and I could not be more excited to share this incredibly powerful, raw and OPEN conversation with you all! Get ready to possible tear up in the best ways :) We also have a dream expert, a very well-known singer/songwriter/bestie coming this month to the podcast and a few other great ones that came out recently too. We also created a gorgeous Mother's Day bundle on the website if you want to gift yourself or a loved one some delicious magik! For those who are ready to REIKI, Heather is teaching a virtual Reiki I and II certification this May and June. Sign up below! And lots more down below for you too to support all the changes time gifts us throughout this journey.
Wishing you a beautiful, peace-filled and beloved month of May.
xoxo, Kelsey