Well, Hello April!
I am welcoming this month with wide eyes and a WIDE OPEN HEART.

March was...kind of hard. Wasn't it? It felt a lot like discomfort, growth, truth, grief and a very long energy to attend to and to hold. The month was full of some big clearings and portals and the recent Libra full moon was a deeply clearing vibe that felt a bit hard to get to in the lead up its energy but then a massive release and opening once it passed. And congrats to all of us, because we made it! The last day of the month is here and tomorrow is the turning of a new leaf.
To me, March was quite a perfect mirror to what is usually happening in nature (for those in the northern hemisphere). It's the first time the soil has really started to thaw from the winter freeze. And, it will get tilled and moved around a bit for the first time in months. Think of what that translates to and actually feels like...it's uncomfortable to get turned over and broken up; to get awakened and excavated after a long rest. And, it's completely beautiful and a healthy, necessary part of the living, growing, dying, rebirthing cycle.
We have to do this work to grow.
We have to grow because without it we become stuck, dead weight, stagnant. We are like the soil of this earth. Both fertile/yielding in life and equally unproductive. Both resilient and delicate. Both able to rest and to awaken. If we can invite a love of these cycles, while also tending to their needs and their beauty and their pain, we are in a state of conscious, PRESENT learning and growth. When we open ourselves to learning, we create a natural rhythm of living that is resilient and creative. To me, that is the sweet spot of life. It's where all facets of our existence invite accomplishment. In both our resting and our awakening state of being, we are aware of its relevance and importance.
As we welcome April and all of the activation and abundance available to us, I've shared a few question prompts below. Feel free to meditate with these, journal on them or just sit with and feel your way into each invitation.
What is ready to AWAKEN inside of you this April?
What is April activating in your heart?
Are there any small acts of forgiveness or compassion calling you and asking you to observe them as you open to this abundant new month?
Who do you want to serve and support this month?
What would you like April to feel like?
What is one word you'd like to represent your month of April?
Wishing you a beautiful, abundant and bright month ahead, my friends.
Lots more below for your en-JOY-ment this month.
Remember to take GOOD care of you!
xoxo, Kelsey